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  • Project Payments( Payments)
  • Entity Payments( Payments)
  • Reporting Companies
DownloadCountry Data
Outlier helpThe map shows the location of projects disclosed by companies that we were able to identify. Hover on the locations for more information specific to these projects.Project locations
Outlier helpThis section provides an overview of the data disclosed in this country. Use the drop down to view data from the 2017 Resource Governance Index for select countries.Country overview section
Outlier helpThe tables and charts below show the complete list of payments made by Ukraine. The charts show different payment characteristics. Use the drop downs to switch between projects and government agencies.

Payments reported

per projectCurrently showing all data. Apply filters to change.
project namereporting companyproject TypeLast ReportedPayments (USD)

Click on a row to view payments by year and type for a project.

Click on the filter button to filter payment data.




compared to



The chart below shows project payments made in Ukraine with those in other countries. The highlighted points are those made in Ukraine. Hover over the points to see project names and countries, to identify projects receiving similar sized-payments elsewhere. Outlier project payments are removed.

Outlier helpThis plot compares the total payments received (by type) per project in Ukraine to all countries. Hover on each dot to see the specific payment values.Total payments to each project (in USD)